Please note:
The following translation of general terms and conditions of "Hotel-Restaurant Eifeltor, 53894 Mechernich-Kommern, Zur Sommerrodelbahn" is not legally recognized. When completing a contract, the German version will be authoritative!
Subleasing of hotel- or meeting rooms requires preceding agreement by the hotel in written form. If the hotel/restaurant has well founded presumptions that booked benefits will disturb business, security or reputation of the hotel, as well as in case of force majeure, the booking can be cancelled; damages excluded.
The contructual partner has no claim on selecting certain rooms. Utilization of terms and conditions of customer/organizers requires special arrangement. If the purchaser is not customer/organizer, both parties are liable. The customer or organizer is liable for all damages to building or equipment, caused by people of his group or him-/herself respectively visitor, associates etc. Demands of fire brigade and police have to be observed.
For brought things the hotel/restaurant is liable according to the terms of the German Civil Code (§§ 701-703). The hotel takes effort to do wake-up calls with high accuracy, but claims for failures are excluded. The same applies to lost, delayed or failed delivery of messages and postal items. Malfunctions of technical and other installations provides by the hotel are removed as soon as possible. Payments cannot be hold back or decreased, if the hotel did not cause the malfunction. All shown prices are in Euro - including service-fees and vat-value added tax.
Confirmation of order implying price-fixing agreement and period between conclusion of agreement and service exceeding four months, the hotel reserves the right to adjust prices due to actual expenses and state of market without prior notice.
Invoises have to be paid instant net cash and will be served by post for maximum four-night stay in case coverage of costs is confirmed in writing. Permanent residents accounts have to be paid weekly. The hotel is authorized to rejekt foreign exchange, cheques and credit cards. Disbursements and external services paid by credit cards receive provision balance of 3,5 %. Invoices have to be paid within 14 days from date of invoice. In case of delayed payment the hotel is authorized to charge interests of 8 percentage points above base rate. Clients and promoters reserve the right to supply evidence of lower damage/claim, the hotel reserves the right to supply evidience if higher damage/claim.
Booked rooms are obtainable from 12.00 o´clock. On date of departure rooms must be left not later than 10.00 o´clock (on weekdays) or 12.00 o´clock (at weekend). If rooms are not left in time, the hotel is authorized to bill further fees. Cancellations of booked rooms are invoiced as follows:
Cancellation, which go in after above-named time limit, are fully invoiced, if rooms cannot be rented to someone else.
The quest reserves the right to prove that cancellation caused none or a lower damage than the calculated fee resulted to the hotel. For fairs or big events in the catchment area modified terms and conditions, which are given in the contract, are valid.
Booked function rooms are only available at agreement times. Additional usage requires prior approval of hotel. Hotel/restaurant are not liable for loss of seminar records or presentation material. Room purchasers are obligated to remove all brought-in packaging and/or information materials at own expense. In case of default purchasers are are obligated to refund costs of disposal due to current rate.
Cancellations of booked (meeting-/event-) rooms are incvoiced as follows:
Reduction of participants for meals and the lump sums are calculated as follows:
The calculation is due to the number of participants, who are acquainted to the hotel/restaurant up to four days before the event. The hotel/restaurant is allowed to change the approved room and the agreed price, if the number of participants changes significantly. The hotelier is allowed to bill the final number of participants taking part in the event - even if this number is higher than the primary acquainted number of participants. For events which take longer than 3.00 o´clock AM, we claim 25 € per staffer (service- & buffet staffer) and inchoate hour. Two weeks before the event we kindly request a prepayment of 50 % of the estimated amount; the remaining amount has to be paid within 14 days after the event. The hotel/restaurant is not the organiser; organiser in the legal sense and for this reason responsible for paying e.g. GEMA-fees is the purchaser.
If several terms of these general terms and conditions are invalid or incorrect, the effectivity of the other terms does not change.
Court of jurisdiction and place of execution is Euskirchen, Germany.
Status quo: July 2005